
Erin Bohannon – life-changing, soul-filling

This week’s story comes from Erin Bohannon. Erin, her husband, Robb, and their daughters Heidi and Charlotte, were a part of our July Belize team. We are working to build a home for single mom, Romany, and her 4 children. I asked Erin to write about their adventure, and this is what she had to say.

Robb, Erin, Charlotte, and Heidi Bohannon outside the hotel in Belize

“Outreach and giving back have always been core values for our family. My husband, Robb, and I have always tried to prioritize service opportunities in our church and community, and often our two daughters, Heidi (14) and Charlotte (12) have been able to participate alongside us as well. Growing up, Robb and I both had the opportunity to participate on travel mission trips in the US as part of our church youth groups and found those experiences formative to our values as adults. The idea of participating in a mission trip as a family had been rattling around in my brain for awhile, and I was poised to reach out to our church missions pastor to see if he had any ideas or suggestions when the email from Dr. A landed in my inbox. I viewed the timing as providential, and was IN from the second I read the email and learned that our entire family would be welcomed to participate. Robb was quickly on board as well, and we signed up for the July trip without hesitation.

We went into this trip with zero expectations or assumptions. Having participated in the FMP Sedona retreat the year before, I was glad to know that several individuals I’d met there would be on the trip (Amy, Craig, Dr. A), so there would be at least a few familiar faces. If I were to describe our experience in a few words, I’d say it was perspective-shifting, life-changing, and soul-filling. In the words of our younger daughter, Charlotte, “After spending a week in Belize it has made me realize just how lucky I am. I am very grateful that I got the opportunity to go there and help people out by building a house.” Joy and gratitude overflowed from all of the individuals we met, and it clung to us as we journeyed home. The contentment with which they viewed their circumstances, and their unwavering faith that their needs would be met, and the simplicity of those needs, made me examine my life and re-evaluate my own “needs” vs. “wants”. Watching my girls on scaffolding working with trowels to spread concrete mud between cinder blocks to make the walls of a home for a family of 5 is a memory I will cherish forever. Dining in a home with one of the local families, talking about our kids, schooling, and our work made me realize that, although we all have different circumstances, we all want the same things at our core – to raise and provide for our children well, with strong values, and to support our families.

When I signed up for the Fit Mother Project in December of 2022, my expectations were that I would lose a few pounds, and collect some great recipes, workouts and new habits along the way. Never did I imagine that I’d be part of a community that cares not just about getting physically healthy and strong, but also views wellness holistically, and believes that service to and connection with others is a key tenet of overall health and wellness as well. I’m so thankful to have had the opportunity to bring my family into the FMP/FFP community as well – we are all better for it.

Thank you Erin and family! It was a pleasure serving alongside you.

If you are interested in a trip to Belize with our team, join us February 15-21, 2025. Information about that trip will be coming out in late September or early October. Request your time off now and plan to have a wonderful experience with Dr. A, some of our staff, and more inspirational individuals!

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