Everybody’s talking about gut health these days, which means probiotics are finally getting the attention some of us felt they deserved all along. Probiotics are like the “good guys” in

Everybody’s talking about gut health these days, which means probiotics are finally getting the attention some of us felt they deserved all along. Probiotics are like the “good guys” in
This post has been adapted from a more detailed article that appears in BridgeAthletic’s new ebook called “Raising the Bar: How World-Class Coaches Elevate Their Programming”. You can download the
Less than a month after letting the world know about his decision to step away from powerlifting, Hafthor Björnsson has officially put a timetable on his return to the sport
Searching for CrossFit shoes isn’t as simple as walking into a store and grabbing the first thing you see. Or at least it shouldn’t be. It’s actually one of those
The pull-up is the meat and potatoes of any back workout. It’s one of the few exercises that nearly every experienced lifter agrees is essential for building a foundation of
Training the shoulders may not be at the top of the list for most lifters. It doesn’t even make the list at all for some, and they skip it entirely.