
Key Health Benefits of Vitamins for Teens

Your child’s body will gradually start to change as they will enter into their teens. The body shape, height, growth of pubic, facial hair, functionalities of organs, heart rate, blood pressure, and lung performance. Your support will help your child to handle these changes and develop well in their youth. If still, your child doesn’t perform well, see a doctor.

When a young one is becoming a teen, their body is requiring more energy to do well in every aspect of growth. Vitamins are a great source of nutrients that will help your child handle social, emotional, and physical challenges. Not only this, teens need extra nutrients to support bone growth, hormonal changes, tissues, and brain development because that’s a period where their body is rapidly growing and what they eat today will affect their body for the rest of their lives. Add extra vitamins to their diet so they can have good healthy days for the rest of their lives.


#1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A

The most essential nutrient for the teen’s body, it helps in promoting bone growth including teeth and making the joints stronger. According to a study, children today are lacking so much Vitamin A and having bone problems later in life. Either they break their bones after a small hit or their bones become weak. Cheese, oil, fish, milk, egg, yogurt are not only rich in Vitamin A but are also a portion of good healthy food. Never let your child skip breakfast, that is the first meal of the day that the body has missed all day. Click more for Gummies Vitamin

#2. Vitamin B

vitamin b

To improve the metabolism system, Vitamin B is vital. It helps the body to break fat and carbohydrates and helps the body digest food fast. This also does the production of new cells. It is obtained by eating an animal. For the vegans, whole grains, and enriched bread and cereals do the same job. Furthermore, Vitamin B helps in brain development, improving energy levels and proper nerve function.

#3. Vitamin C

vitamin c

You will get Vitamin C best from fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits. Vitamin C fights back with the bacteria and keeps your immune system safe from attack by any virus. It builds collagen and protects teeth, bones and gums. It is better to look for it in fresh fruits and vegetables because cooking them will lose Vitamin C.

#4. Vitamin D 

vitamin d

With Vitamin D, the body can regulate calcium and phosphate in it. This is important so each of your bones can get the right amount of calcium. Phosphate is not very different from calcium but it is the body’s need. It promotes healthy nerve conduction, creates DNA/RNA, and filters out the waste from the kidneys.  Lack of vitamin D can lead the kids to deformities, such as rickets and bone pains. A good amount of sunlight in the early morning provides Vitamin D. It does not protect only bones but takes care of hair, nails and skin. Regulate the insulin levels and keep the immune system strong.

#5. Vitamin E

To protect the outer body like nails, skin, hair and teeth Vitamin E is very much needed. In the early teens, the body is changing from everywhere. Sometimes it lacks proper hair growth or weak nails. To provide proper care to the hair scalp, nail roots and skin cells add the use of vitamin E to the diet. It improves skin tone and freshens up the skin glow every day. Vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts these all rich sources of Vitamin E. However, they also provide energy and strength to your body which helps them stay active for long hours as well as it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to heal the burns quickly and removes burn marks and scratch marks.

Read more: 10 Warning Signals to Start Taking Vitamins

#6. Vitamin K

The above was mostly about the bones, skin, digestive and immune system. The blood needs to be treated too. Vitamin K is referred to the soluble fats that do the blood clotting, metabolism of bones and help regulate blood calcium levels. Blood clotting is important so it does not bleed much when you get a cut on the skin, your blood vessels are secured by an extra layer and prevent forming clots in the blood and over the injuries. With Vitamin K, the body produces prothrombin, a clotting factor that does blood clotting and bone metabolism. It is found in plants. In spinach, kale, turnip, mustard greens, parsley, cauliflower, meat, fish, eggs, liver and the rest goes on.

Iron and Calcium are the must-add minerals to the teen’s diet. 

#1. Iron

Iron gives extra potential to the body to become strong. It builds red blood cells. The red blood cells carry oxygen which provides energy throughout the body. The right amount of iron in your body will energize your body that will help you to carry out more activities than your child does, such as school performances. Iron deficiency can cause anemia. In that case, your muscles will not get the energy through the red blood cells and they will become weak. They won’t support your child in their sports or homework. Iron can be found in red meat, eggs, fish, and cherries. Know that beef liver and chicken giblets are the richest sources of iron.

#2. Calcium

You probably have heard; calcium is found in milk. Yes, it is. Calcium makes your bones strong and takes care of the fluids that allow your joints to move freely. This is also a long investment for your bones health. At old ages, bones get weak and start to lose mass, they become less dense and a small hit can make a crack into them. To get protected by all the aged bone symptoms you must add calcium to your child’s diet. If your child does not like milk, add cheese to his breakfast meal or any other dairy product.

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